Monday, January 4, 2010

Dinner Help for the New Year

It is the first Monday of the New Year. School is starting back for many of you--both for your children and for you! For the rest of us, we are getting back to the regular routine of work or housework or both, now that company is gone and the holidays are over. Your holiday leftovers are probably gone so now what?

This morning I put the remaining half bag of chicken tenders in an oven cooking bag and poured in some olive olive oil. I squished the bag around to spread the oil over the chicken, sprinkled in some Italian spice blend, added a splash of lemon and about 1 3/4 cup of water. Oh, and I cut a sprig of rosemary off my rosemary plant and put that in. I put a twist tie on the bag and dropped it in the Crockpot, set on low. I'm also cooking mac and cheese (yep, from a box).

So dinner is done for a couple of days - or as long as the chicken lasts. My husband will put the chicken on his salads, my son will eat chicken with mac and cheese, and then I will use any leftover chicken to make chicken in tortillas or maybe chicken turnovers. And all this before 8:00 a.m. The chicken part took 5 minutes. The mac and cheese a little longer because it must boil for 6 minutes.

We are planning cooking part 2 for you. I'm busy collecting new recipes to help you plan easy, healthy meals for your family.

In the meantime, may your first Monday of the New Year flow smoothly and without stress - remember DESSERTS if it gets too crazy!

Later, this week, we will start organizing our homes together!

So for today, do what the Lord requires of you: "Act justly and love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”- Micah 6:8

Have a blessed day. --Laura

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